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What’s The Carbon Mean?


As mentioned in the previous article, as long as it is an internal combustion engine, both gasoline and diesel engines will produce carbon deposits. The “carbon” is not real carbon, but oil, dust, impurities, colloids, etc. The mixture is stacked. The ingredients include petroleum hydrocarbons, paraffin wax and some gelatinous substances. If we put them simply that the remaining impurities produced by the engine, we’ll collectively call its carbon deposits, which are our carbon removal targets.


Some smart car owners will ask: “If gasoline burns in the engine to produce energy, it should only produce carbon dioxide and water in the end. Isn’t it?” The complete combustion is the ideal of scientists, but everyone knows that different driving habits, local climatic differences, modern engine design, etc., complete combustion is currently an mission impossible.


Therefore, whether it is a gasoline or diesel engine, carbon deposits are inevitable. What can be changed is our mind about maintenance and regular carbon removal.

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